1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Hematology laboratories
lvysa 27.03.2024

Head of Laboratory of Haematooncology and Stem Cells

Tomas Stopka MD, PhD


1st Medical Faculty at Biocev, Charles University

1st Hematology Clinic, General Hospital, Prague

lab: 325873001-3, pts: 22496-5970/6844

email: tstopka AT lf1.cuni.cz




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Lab Scope

The StopkaLab started in June 2005 in the 1st Medical Faculty at the Charles University in Prague. We are interested in basic aspects of normal and malignant hematopoiesis. The lab is supported by research grants and university research funding.

Lab members have both scientific and medical backgrounds. Bioinformaticians represent significant part of the research team. Lab is involved in research training&teaching activities. Three Lab members are also involved in medical care at Haematology clinic (faculty hospital).

The Lab team resides in the Biocev building (Vestec near Prague) and is a member of the Functional Genomics Program and utilizes mouse transgenic biology to better understand role of chromatin remodeling in hematopoiesis. The lab also participates on patient-oriented biomedical projects that are focused mostly on the pathogenesis of Myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid leukemias, and some types of lymphoma.

Research focus:

1. transcription and chromatin remodeling factors in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis (mouse models)

2. genetics and epigenetics of Myelodysplastic Syndromme and other hematologic tumors (patient-oriented)

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Research Associate

77Juraj Kokavec PhD (juraj.kokavec@lf1.cuni.cz) geneticist & deputy head

78Petra Bašová PhD (basova.petra@gmail.com) molecular biologist

169 Lubomír Minařík MD PhD (lubomir.minarik@lf1.cuni.cz) clinical scientist, also affiliated to 1st Dept Hematology

176 Tereza Turková PhD (tereza.turkova@lf1.cuni.cz) molecular and developmental biologist

PhD students

292 Eliška Divišová, MD (eliska.divisova@lf1.cuni.cz)


Kristina Leblová (kristina.leblova@lf1.cuni.cz) lab manager

239Yuliia Arishaka Bc (arishaka13@gmail.com) pregraduate student

295 Sára Hrabalová, Bc (hrabalosa@natur.cuni.cz) pregraduate student

Previous lab members:

Vojtěch Kulvait, RNDr. Ph.D. - Matematician

Lívia Rusková - Pregraduate student

Michaela Hybešová MSc - MSc graduate

Maréta Holečková MSc - MSc graduate

Shefali Thakur MSc - molecular biologist

Lenka Daumová MD

Pavel Čabart PhD - molecular biologist

Adéla Schaffartzik MD - PhD student, also affiliated to 1st Dept Hematology

Tomáš Zikmund PhD - molecular and developmental biologist

Helena Paszeková MSc - molecular biologist

Jarmila Vargová PhD - biologist

Martina Dluhošová MSc - molecular biologist